Seeing in Isolation

Co-created online exhibition and events with an accessibile & inclusive approach

As Project Manager of Multistory, I facilitated Seeing in Isolation, a collaboration with visually impaired photographer Karren Visser and members of charity, Sandwell Visually Impaired (SVI).

During lockdown, under difficult circumstances for all, together, we developed an innovative approach to creating accessible digital stories and curated a digital exhibition that aimed to challenge people’s understanding of sight loss and push the boundaries of audio description.

As well as the digital exhibition Karren and I co-ordinated a public programme of four online events and four workshops (three online and one in person) which were attended by an international audience.

My blog: Seeing in Isolation: adapting a socially engaged photography project in lockdown

Karren and Becky were always very encouraging in the workshops and have encouraged me to try things I thought were never impossible.” Jean, a participant 


By Us, For You


Pop-Up Library exhibitions